What is the meaning of the name Mike by Name Vibration?

What is the meaning of the name Mike by Name Vibration? Name Vibration Reading

What is the name Mike? Name Vibration of Mike is converted into a vision and a message. It tells you what is the meaning of the name Mike.

All names have different sounds. Sound is vibration. The vibration can be converted to vision in a meditative state with a joyful and peaceful mind. The vision has a message that tells what is the pure quality of your name. I draw Name Vibration Art of Mike to convert the sound into the vision and receive the message what is the meaning of the name Mike.

Here is a list of names that I have done with Name Vibration Reading. Please check out whether if there are names of your friends, family, or a partner.

List of first names | what is the meaning of your name?
In this page, I will show you the list of first names in which I explored the meanings with Name Vibration Reading. I ke...

English is not my first language, and I am doing my best to express the vision and message that I receive. If you notice there is something unclear in the article, please let me know in the comment box on the bottom. Thank you.


Table of Contents

What is the vision and message from the name Mike by Name Vibration Reading?


When I access to the sound of the name Mike, I got a vision and drew as below.

meaning of the name Mike by Name vibration art

I asked the drawing what does the name Mike mean. Then, I received a message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Mike.


And, I translated into English.

Mike is the spirit of light protected by love of the planet earth.

By being protected by love of the earth, the light of Mike becomes bigger and stronger.

Receiving love of the earth means to surrender to love of the earth.

The vibration of Mike is a beautiful example for all humans about a relationship with the planet earth.

I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.

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What is the meaning of the name Mike in various aspects?


What is the meaning of the name Mike to himself?

If you have the vibration of the name Mike, you feel you have a strong connection with the planet earth. You love to walk in nature and connect to the entire earth by feeling a part of nature.

As you feel the unbreakable bond with the planet earth, you always feel you are receiving support from the earth. Therefore, your action always is to give back something to the earth. You feel joyful to do something for nature and ensure the connection with the earth.

Because you feel joyful to connect to the earth and to do something for the earth, the action shines you more and more.

Your action for the earth is based on respect and love for the earth. You understand every piece of nature is the earth itself. You understand the earth is an individual living being. You have a respectful relationship with the earth as same as you do with a person.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to another person?

You with Mike’s vibration show a person that anyone is ready to start a connection with the earth. You are showing a person it is up to his/her choice. As you are automatically showing the connection with the earth and enjoying it, your action is influential. The more a person connect to you (Mike’s vibration), the more deeply he/she has a connection with the earth as he/she starts to see the earth an individual living being.


What is the meaning of the name Mike for a family?

You (Mike’s vibration) guides people in your family from living the lifestyle disconnected from the earth to the spiritual lifestyle of respecting the earth. It means your family takes care of the earth as same as a family member. It happens because you are taking care of the earth as same as a family and the earth is taking care of you as a family, the family knows it and understands it. It happens also because your family loves you and trusts you.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?

You (the vibration of Mike) is supporting the spiritual awakening of humans on the planet, with which humans start to feel deep gratitude to the earth how much the earth loves and gives unconditionally to humans.

Everyone knows that without the earth humans don’t survive and that the earth provides everything for human survival. However, most humans forgot the basic truth in the busy daily life. Your existence (Mike’s vibration)  and action let people’s eyes open and remember the fact. Therefore, humans start to live with respect and gratitude for the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the earth?

You (Mike’s vibration) are the representative of human’s love to the earth. The earth loves unconditionally humans and keeps giving what we need to us. By knowing your vibration of Mike, the earth knows the feeling of appreciation of humans. Knowing the human’s appreciation, the earth expresses the beautiful earth filled with abundance and gives more to humans unconditionally without asking returns.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the entire universe?

The relationship between you (Mike’s vibration) and the earth is one of the beautiful examples of the relationship between a planet and living beings. When all humans and the earth have the relationship as same as Mike’s vibration does, the relationship becomes an example for other planets and the living beings that are building a balanced connection together.


What is the meaning of the name Mike for four elements?


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the fire element?

The fire element with Mike’s vibration represents deep gratitude as fire transmits heat to a substance deeply. The heat of deep gratitude is not only sent to the earth but also influence other humans. It influences us humans to spiritually evolve and to have harmonized relationship with each other based on our gratitude to the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the water element?

“Feeling the support of the earth” is the expression of the water element with Mike’s vibration. Water is a major component of our human body. Because the earth is abundant with water, lives flourish on the earth. By connecting to water and remembering what water does to humans and living beings, you immediately know the support from the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the air element?

“Collaboration with the earth” is the expression of the air element with Mike’s vibration. In the air element, the gratitude energy of humans and the earth’s energy mix, and we make the earth a more joyful and peaceful place.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the earth element?

“Living as the earth itself” is the expression of the Earth element with Mike’s vibration. The earth and human are individual living beings each. At the same time, a human is a part of the earth, in other word, a human is the planet earth itself. Connecting to the earth element with Mike’s vibration, you remember that you are inseparable from the earth but always you are the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike for sexual energies?


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the female energy?

Nurturing is the expression of the female energy with Mike’s vibration. The earth nurtures and gives you always as a mother does to her baby. However, in the relationship between a human and the earth, you also nurture and give to the earth by expressing action with gratitude and positive vibration. You are raising the vibration of the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the male energy?

Surrendering to the earth’s love is the expression of the male energy with Mike’s vibration. You are not resisting but completely trust and appreciate the earth’s support. It comes from your complete trust to yourself as a part of the earth, or as the earth itself.


What is the meaning of the name Mike for 7 chakras?


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 1st chakra?

Feeling the entire earth is the expression of the 1st chakra with Mike’s vibration. Standing on the earth, you feel the entire earth as vibration and know everything about the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 2nd chakra?

“Mixing your vibration with the earth’s vibration” is the expression of 2nd chakra with Mike’s vibration. By mixing them, your joyful action is beneficial for the earth. The earth also knows your gratitude through the action.

What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 3rd chakra?

Taking action for the earth is the expression of the 3rd chakra with Mike’s vibration. Any kind of your joyful actions contributes to the earth to raise the vibration of the earth.  All your joys match to the earth’s abundance.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 4th chakra?

“Feeling love through the love of the earth” is the expression of the 4th chakra with Mike’s vibration. You are learning what is love through the earth’s love. You understand how deeply you are love through the feeling. Eventually, you understand that you are one with the earth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 5th chakra?

Expressing gratitude for the earth is a representation of the 5th chakra with Mike’s vibration. As you speak out your gratitude for the earth with your words along with your actual action, people understand what humans can do for the connection with the earth. Your words have the power to give a positive influence on humanity’s spiritual evolution.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 6th chakra?

The 6th chakra with Mike’s vibration sees nature’s abundance as an expression of the earth’s love. Thus, you naturally feel gratitude for the earth. Because you see the reality you live in the way, you are ready to express your realization as the truth.


What is the meaning of the name Mike to the 7th chakra?

The 7th chakra with Mike’s vibration receives the earth’s gratitude for humans as light energy. The gratitude of the earth to humans is also equal to your gratitude to humans and your gratitude to the earth. You know not only the earth’s unconditional giving and loving, but also many humans’ contribution to the earth with love. By receiving the earth’s light energy through the 7th chakra, you understand all gratitude with each other.


What do other online sources say about the name Mike?


Let’s find out what Mike means historically in other sources.


What is Name Vibration Reading?


Please check the page below about Name Vibration Reading. I provide the online session of Name Vibration Reading for your full name. Your full name has a different vibration from your first name.

About Name Vibration Reading


Other sessions by Koichi


Apart from the Name Vibration reading session, I provide the following sessions online.

  • Unlocking mind limitation
  • Core Vibration Reading

Check the following link for the details.


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