What is the meaning of healing? | Chat with Grupplue 5


In this post, I asked Grupplue a fundamental question as a healer. What is the meaning of healing? Grupplue’s answer was “healing is not necessary".


Healing is essentially not necessary.



The question today is about healing. I am providing healing to people as a healer. Can you explain what is healing from your point of view?



Healing is essentially not necessary.



Is it not necessary? Why did you say it is not necessary?



Then, why you think it is necessary?



Healing eases people from various problems and sufferings. They are physical pain and emotional pain.



At first, you need to let go of your belief.



What do you mean?

Grupplue and a sphere

You can’t change other people.



Your reality is the reality as reflection projected from your belief. It is the reality of no one, but yours. It is your reality projected from your belief and emotion, thought, and action based on the belief. So, If people come to you for their pain and suffering physically and psychologically, these issues are the projection of your belief.

When you do healing to other people, you let go of your own belief and the world you perceive changes. It is the process of changing how you look at other people in YOUR reality.

It is not the process that people and the reality change. By your perception changes, you shift to another parallel universe. You shift from the universe where the person needs healing to the universe where he doesn’t need.

You can’t change other people.

Trying to change other people is almost like trying to change the story in the movie through a screen. Even if you draw a drawing on the screen, the movie story is still the same. The only way you change the story is to change the film, but not the screen.

If the movie on the screen is your reality, the movie film is your belief. People in your reality are characters in your original movie. What do you suppose to do for seeing the change in the character’s state?



Is it to change the movie film, in other words, to change my belief?



The sufferers in your reality are the projection of your belief. Identically, people who are free from suffering is also the projection of your belief. Basically, by changing the film or your belief, the psychological state of characters in your reality movie also changes.



So, what you are saying is, I am harvesting what I plant seeds. Isn’t it that other people’s problem is their things, but not mine.


who feels it as a problem?



You just said it is other people’s problem. Then, who feel it as a problem?



The person feels it as a problem and comes to me to solve the problem. And, probably, I also feel it as a problem.



A person who has a problem comes to you, you feel the problem as a problem, and you do healing on the person. Am I right?



Yes, you are right.



That is, you are trying to change what is happening in your reality. Am I correct?



Yes. If you put it that way, I think that’s true.



As I mentioned earlier, you can’t change your physical reality.

Based on your belief, you feel emotion, think, and act. Your physical reality is their reflection.


Someone who has a problem comes to you to solve the problem with your healing. The reality is your reality. Am I right?



Yes, you are right.


you as a healer haven’t done an action of changing the person.



So,  the reality is also based on your belief.

First, based on your belief, you shift to the parallel reality where someone with a problem comes to you for solving it.

Second, through the process of healing, based on your new belief, you shift to the parallel reality where there is the same person without the problem.

In short, the fact that the person has a problem and the fact that the same person doesn’t have a problem are both based on your belief. Based on your belief, you shift from one reality to another one.

In appearance, it looks like the person changes because of your healing. But, both realities where the person has a problem and doesn’t coexist here at this moment. In other words, your viewpoint as an observer changes, and you have shifted to another parallel reality where the person doesn’t have a problem.

Therefore, you as a healer haven’t done an action of changing the person. Healer’s, or your old belief has changed to the new one, and your experience has changed from the old reality to the new one. In the new parallel reality, you as a healer experience the same person who feel the old problem as not a problem.




When I do healing, I don’t change the person. Is that what you mean?



That is right. You haven’t changed the reality nor the person. As your belief changes, your feeling, your thought, and your experience have changed.



In short, the process called healing is not for changing the other person but is the process of changing healer’s belief.



That is right.



I understand.

In the beginning, you said healing is not necessary. Can you tell me more about it?


All your experiences are originated by your belief.



Both physical realities where someone needs healing and where the person doesn’t are a reflection of your belief.


First, you project the physical reality where someone wants to receive healing. Then, you think you need to use healing for the person. In the process of healing, you shift to the parallel reality where the person feels her healing is done.

That is you call it the process of giving healing.

If you project the reality where no one needs healing, you don’t need to give healing to others.

However, your belief lets you experience a reality where people need to receive healing. Therefore, you experience that you give healing to others. Then, you experience that they are healed.

However, the process of giving healing to others is not necessary. Because all your experiences are originated by your belief.



In short, what you are saying is;

Both circumstances that someone is asking you to give healing and that his theme is solved with healing are products of my belief. Therefore, healing is not necessary.

Am I right?


Is the action itself joyful to give healing to others?



Yes, you are right.

However, if you feel unconditional joy with the process to give healing to others, it is another story. If so, it is your pathway and the proof that you are living your true self.

What do you mean to feel unconditional joy?

Is the action itself joyful to give healing to others? Or, do you expect a certain desired result from the action?

If you don’t expect a result from the action and if the action itself purely joyful, it is an unconditional joy.



Yes. I feel joyful to the action itself to give healing. And, I don’t expect a result from it. Rather, I feel seeing the result is natural. Then, I have no emotion to expect a result.

I am not sure if I can say it as unconditional joy.



Yes, it is. Your joyful emotion and the action project joyful reality. For you, it happened to be the action of giving healing to others and the related reality.

The action of giving healing to other people doesn’t need to be the only expression of your joy. Express your joy in various actions. The joyful feeling coming from your inside teaches you the just perfect action every moment.


That is the true meaning of giving healing.



I see.

You suggest that I take giving healing to people as one of my joyful action. I also have chances to express my joy through carious action.



Yes. You are right.

Enjoy your life. Your life is only for you. Your joyful action radiates the vibration to your around and resonates with your related people. That is the true meaning of giving healing.



Thank you very much.



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