How to deal with a negative person | Chat with Grupplue 4

How to deal with a negative person | Chat with Grupplue 4

In this blog post, I talked with Grupplue on the topic “how to deal with a negative person”. Because I have the belief to perceive other people negatively, negative people appear around me. If I let go of the belief, the negative experience finishes. It is my understanding.


The question of how to deal with negatively influencing people is not important.



In healing sessions, some people are suffered in relationships with people who give negative influence.

They are relationships at work, with a partner, with parents, with friends, and so on. How do they deal with negatively influencing people?



The question of how to deal with negatively influencing people is not important. Because there are no clear answers to how to deal with them.

Even if I tell you how to deal with, the person will not solve the negative experience. If you ask a question to me, the following question is correct.

“Why do I have a negative experience in relationships with people? What do I suppose to do for experiencing a positive experience in relationships with people?”

Do you notice the difference with the first question of how to deal with negatively influencing people?




The first question determines the people as negatively influencing people.

On the other hand, the question you told identifies it as a negative experience but not negatively influencing people.



When you ask a question “how to deal with negatively influencing people, you are asking the question in the meaning as the following. “The negatively influencing people is negatively influencing people. It is a stone-cold fact. How do I suppose to deal with them not to get negative influence from them?”

Am I right?



Yes, you are right.



As far as you conclude the person as a negatively influencing person, you cannot avoid the experience of a negatively influencing person. Your state of being and the action decide the reality that you experience.

For example, you get rid of the negatively influencing person from your around. But, you still perceive the person as a negatively influencing person.

Am I right?



Yes, you are right.



When the negatively influencing person disappears from your sight, and when still you have the belief that there are people who give you a negative influence, other negatively influencing people appear in front of you.

As far as you continue to feel, to think, and to act based on the belief that there are people who give you a negative influence, negatively influencing people keep showing up around you. The experience never ends.



Then, what do I suppose to do?



You need to let go of the belief that there are people who give you a negative influence. And, you need to feel, to think, and to act with your ideal state of being. Then, you have your ideal experience in relationships with people.

Grupplue and a tower

What do I suppose to do to let go of the belief that there are people who give you a negative influence?



What do I suppose to do to let go of the belief that there are people who give you a negative influence?



You need to realize that influence is not a negative influence on you. Essentially, Every reality that you experience is not positive nor negative. It is emptiness.

Depending on the meaning you give, it becomes negative or positive. Based on the meaning that you give or your state of being, you feel, think, and act. That decides the reality you experience.


What do I suppose to do to realize it is not a negative influence on me?



What do I suppose to do to realize it is not a negative influence on me?



Please know why it is negative for you. There must be a foundational reason that you feel it negative. Please find out the reason. The foundational reason for negative feelings is resistance to your true self.

Please start by accepting that your negative feeling is resistance to your true self. A negative feeling is a messenger to let you notice that you resist to your true self.

For example, through the negative feeling in relationships with people, you realize you resist your true self. And, please ask yourself why you feel negative to it.


This blog’s theme is “how to deal with a negative person”. Can you tell more detail about it?


A negative person is a reflected phenomenon in your reality from your underlying belief.



As I told you, there is no clear answer to “how to deal with a negative person”. A negative person is a reflected phenomenon in your reality from your underlying belief. The underlying belief is a belief that decides how you feel to your world and people. The same kind of people whom you feel negatively appear around you.

If you have a belief that you feel negative to a person with a certain characteristic, people with the characteristic appear around you. Until you let go of the belief, another person with the characteristic appears around you.

And, you may think the person causes a negative feeling. It continues forever.

Contrarily, if you let go of the belief, then, feel, think, and act as a new you, the negative experience ends. In other words, you have no more experience to feel negative to the person who has the characteristic.

Then, you think the person has changed. But it is the result of your change. It is the result of letting go of your belief to feel negatively to a person who has a certain characteristic. It is not only because your feeling about the other person changes, but also because your feeling about yourself changes.

It is the result of deactivation of your old negative belief and the result of being reflected the reality.


At the point of “emptiness”, you reset your feeling about yourself.


Koichi:  The result of the change of feeling about myself?



Yes. It is the change of feeling about yourself who feels negative to the other person. It is back to the state that the feeling to the other person is not negative nor positive, which is emptiness.

Emptiness doesn’t mean “there are no things”. It is the state that it can have any meaning or that it can go in any direction. It is the original point of creation and filled with infinite energy.

At the point of “emptiness”, you reset your feeling about yourself.



How do I suppose to do the resetting?


Please act what you feel joyful.



Please act what you feel joyful. The word “joyful” is not from expectation which you feel you get something good by doing something. There is no reason for joy. The action itself is of feeling joy.

You, humans, get used to doing something for getting the expected result. Because you expect you get something, you do something you don’t feel joyful now. In this case, when the expectation disappears, you don’t have the motivation to do.

When I say acting what you feel joyful, the joyful action of the moment now is the purpose and the result. The action resets your vibration of every moment to joyful vibration.

If you feel joyful to walk on a street, do so. If you feel joyful to read a certain book, do so. If you feel joyful to give water to flowers, do so.

All these actions look like having no purpose. But they do. These all actions themselves already have accomplished the purpose. The purpose is to exist as the source of joyful vibration.



But, we humans have many “should do” things, and we need to put them as a priority. So, I can’t imagine that we put your advice into practice.


You humans have been believing that these positive feelings are not here, but somewhere very far.


Your should-do things always have a purpose. It all boils down to the purpose to feel something. They are feeling of fulfillment, being loved, self-esteem, peace, and so on depending on each person.

You humans have been believing that these positive feelings are not here, but somewhere very far. Then, you have been believing that you have to do something or have to work hard to get the feeling.

Once again, Based on your belief, emotion and thought appear. Through the action from the emotion and thought, your experience is reflected in your physical reality.

Emotion is before, and the reality is the reflection. You may feel that physical reality gives you emotion. But it is the opposite.

If you feel you have things you should do, what do you look for after doing the should-do thing?

For example, you want something physically. By getting it, what do you expect to feel? Try to feel the feeling now.

All feelings exist here and now. If you don’t feel a positive feeling, it is because you resist to feel it, not because you don’t have it.

It is the resistance to your true self. Let go of the resistance. You can do with your self-healing technique.



Thank you. Let’s finish here today.



If you have comments or questions, please write in the comment box below. Thank you.





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