How to make a decision | Chat with Grupplue 2

How to take a decision | Chat with Grupplue 2

I asked Grupplue how to take a decision. You are always taking a perfect decision. This was Grupplue’s answer. Then, I asked more questions.


You are always taking a perfect decision.

Koichi:  It is difficult sometimes to take a decision. Even after we think well, decide, and take action, we often regret the decision. How can we take a perfect decision?

Grupplue:  You are always making a perfect decision.

Koichi:  I can’t understand. For example, even if I make a decision that makes me feel regret, do you say it the perfect decision?

Grupplue:  Yes. you are right. Your all decisions are perfect decisions. Whether if you regret or not, you are always making perfect decisions.


Why do you say the decision that makes me feel failed is a perfect decision?

Grupplue is an apple today.

Koichi: What do you mean? Why do you say the decision that makes me feel failed is a perfect decision?

Grupplue:  All reality is neutral and doesn’t have meaning. It is up to you whether you feel the decision as failed and regret. When you put meaning in your reality, the decision has a meaning.

Koichi:  That’s harsh. In short, Because I perceive it negative the reality that I experience, I am giving to the decision the meaning of failed and regret. Am I right?

Grupplue:  That is right. If your present reality is a positive experience, you call the decision a good decision.

Koichi:  Yes, you are right.

Grupplue:  You believe that your present reality is because of the past decision.

Koichi:  Yes, you are right.

Grupplue:  Your decision is always right. Please feel it in your body. Your past is not wrong. Please feel it in your body. When you blame your past for the present reality, you abandon the power of “now” you have.

Koichi:  What do you mean?


In fact, a phenomenon as the past doesn’t exist.

Grupplue:  In fact, a phenomenon as the past doesn’t exist. The past is an illusion that is happening in your mind. The present moment of now is the only time. All your power is concentrated on the present moment. When you perceive the past decision as a failed decision, the negative feeling is filled in the present moment of now. Again I tell you, the past decision is not a good decision nor bad decision. The past action doesn’t have meaning. The past decision and action are the phenomenon as the memory that exists in the present moment. The memory doesn’t exist in the past but exists in the present moment of now.

Your world has storage media such as DVDs to save movies inside. Although the movie was made in the past, the movie exists NOW in the storage media. By playing the DVD, you watch the movie NOW. Through watching the movie “NOW”, you feel emotions “NOW”.

When you watch the movie, you have your own feeling. When another person watches, the person watches with a different feeling. Each person has a different feeling about the same movie. The movie producer also has its own feeling. But, it doesn’t mean you and other people have the same feeling as the movie producer.

Koichi:  That’s right. Feedback about a movie by people is never the same with each other.

Grupplue:  The movie itself is neutral. What feeling you feel about the movie gives meaning to the movie. Your memory is also the same. The memory of the past exists in the present moment of now. It is neutral and doesn’t have meaning.  What you feel about the memory gives the meaning to the memory of the past. What did you feel in the past doesn’t have an effect in the field of “NOW”. What you feel “NOW” decides everything about you.

Koichi:  You mean what I feel about the past memory is important.

Grupplue:  Yes.

Koichi:  But, even if I don’t feel negative about the past decision, the negative reality of now is still there. How are you going to explain this?

Grupplue:  Not only you let go of yourself who feel negative about the past reality, but also yourself who feel negative about now. You shift to yourself who is neutral to the reality of both past and now.

Koichi:  If you say it to the audience, probably they feel it not so easy.

Grupplue:  Please share your self-healing technique with everyone. It is one of the effective ways.

Koichi:  To become a neutral self, is there other effective ways other than my self-healing method?


Please express your ideal self with your action.

Grupplue:  Please express your ideal self with your action. Please express your exciting living of every day with your action. How do you of feeling excitement breathe? Breathe in the way. How do you of feeling excitement meet people? Meet people in the way. How do you of feeling excitement wake up in the morning? Breathe in the way. Start your morning in the way.

Koichi:  I think breathing is a good idea. I feel my exciting breathing as peaceful and yet filled with energy. I tried the breathing, and I feel my body with overflowing of energy.

Grupplue:  Please start the morning with the breathing method. You will experience huge positive shift in your life.


How can we make a perfect decision?

Koichi:  OK. I understand that it is important to let go of myself who feel negative about the reality of the past and now and to shift to neutral myself. Then, let’s go back to the first question. How can we make a perfect decision?

Grupplue:  I repeat. You are making a perfect decision always. In short, what you feel about the action/ decision you take? If you have different motivations in the same decision/action, the realities appear from the action are completely different from each other.

Let’s say you feel worried about something now. Then, when your motivation (the cause) of the action is worry, let’s say, you try to avoid something, the reality which is projected from the action is a reality that makes you feel worried.

Let’s imagine the state you are in the reality you desire. What kind of feeling do you have? Please act every moment with the feeling. Please breathe with the feeling. Please express words with the feeling. Please meet people with the feeling. The action is your decision. And, please maintain the decision. In other words, continue to take action with the feeling. The persistence of action with the feeling is projected to your reality. In other words, a reality completely matches the feeling you maintain. Although the reality maybe not same as you imagined in the beginning, you feel the feeling which you desire through experiencing reality.

Koichi: I understand well. I often see clients for healing sessions, some people told me that they don’t know the feeling they desire. Do you have anything you want to tell them?

Grupplue: You get used to feeling a negative emotion. By covered with the negative feeling. they can’t see their own positive feeling.

At first, you imagine and feel the feeling that they don’t have a negative feeling. Then, you breathe and act with the feeling. Continue it every day. Then, you start to feel a positive feeling which has been hidden under a negative feeling. When you remember the positive feeling, then breathe and act with the feeling every day, every moment.

Or, using Koichi’s self-healing method is also effective. You will clean up negative feelings and shift to the neutral state.

Koichi:  Thank you for introducing my method.

Grupplue:  The method you develop is an effective tool that people can use. Please share it with everyone.

Koichi:  Thank you. Let’s finish here today.

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