Can I find a partner? | Chat with Grupplue 3

Can I find a partner? | Chat with Grupplue 3

“Can I find a partner?”, The question is often asked at reading sessions. In this blog, I had a conversation with Grupplue about the question.  It was the Grupplue’s answer which is letting go of expectation and taking action with your ideal feeling.


The reality that each of you experiences is all perfect.

Koichi: ”Can I find a partner?” is the question which probably many single people have. I want to ask about the theme.

Grupplue:  The reality that each of you experiences is all perfect whether or not you have a partner or not.

Koichi:  What do you mean?

Grupple shifts from a parallel universe to others.

Why do people wish to have a partner?

Grupplue:  Why do people wish to have a partner?

Koichi:  I think the reasons are different depending on each person. Probably, the reasons are to want to feel happiness, love, and so on. When I was not married, I think I felt so.

Grupplue:  Do you think you must have a partner to feel happiness and love?

Koichi:  Probably most people who want a partner expect that they become happy and feel loved by having a partner.

Grupplue:  Is it what you mean that people want a partner to satisfy their expectations to become happy and to feel love?

Koichi:  Although I can’t say everyone is so, most of them are so.

Grupplue:  How about you?


It is to reconfirm your vibration of love and happiness.

Koichi:  A long time ago before I met my wife, I have been desiring to get a feeling of love and happiness by having a girlfriend. But, one moment I realized that love and happiness existed already here. Soon afterward, my current wife appeared in front of me, and we got married. We have a beautiful daughter, too.

Grupplue:  How do you feel?

Koichi:  I feel love and happiness.

Grupplue:  In fact, what you experienced is a good example of what I will tell you from now. You realized love and happiness already exist here. Then, you stopped to look for a partner as a means to get love and happiness. As a result that you realized that love and happiness exist here already, as the refection of the vibration, your partner appeared in front of you. As the expression of the vibration of love and happiness, your beautiful daughter appeared in front of you and your wife.

Then, through the experience with your partner and daughter, you reconfirm the feeling of love and happiness. It is to reconfirm your vibration of love and happiness.

Koichi:  I understand. As a reflection of my vibration of love and happiness, people who match the vibration appear around me. Is it what you are saying?

Grupplue:  Yes, you are right.


we reconfirm ourselves through feeling to people.

Koichi:  I have a question. If my experience with wife and daughter are the expression of my vibration of love and happiness, what is the reason the husband becomes emotional to his wife?

Grupplue:  Your all negative emotion is your resistance to your true self. Feeling love and happiness through your family is the testimony of your vibration of love and happiness. It is the testimony that you are expressing your true self. On the other hand, if you feel negative emotion in relationships with people, it is the testimony that you are resisting your true self.

Koichi:  You mean, we reconfirm ourselves through feeling to people.


You are responsible for all the people you relate to.

Grupplue:  Yes, that’s right. People as the same as you believe people are like this appears around you. In other words, you feel people in the same manner as you believe people are like this. Whether or not the people are such people, you feel people in such a manner.

Koichi:  You mean, what kind of people around me depends on how you believe people are.

Grupplue:  Yes, that’s right. You are responsible for all the people you relate to. You perceive people in the same way as you decide how you perceive them. For example, let’s say, you feel a negative emotion to a person. Your negative emotion doesn’t mean he is a negative person. The person is completely neutral before you negatively perceive him.

Koichi:  Is what you mean as following?


Please even don’t try to change other people by mistake.

For example, there is a couple.  The husband feels annoyed by his wife. It doesn’t mean the wife is not such a person who annoys people. It is because the husband has the belief that his wife annoys him. As the reflection of the husband’s belief, the husband experiences his wife who annoys him. Is my understanding correct?

Grupplue:  That’s right. If you want to change the experience with other people, please change your perception of other people. Please even don’t try to change other people by mistake. If you feel negative to a person and try to change him, you are confirming that the person is negative for you. It is the action that affirms your negative belief that the person is negative for you. Even if you try to change a person, he will not change to a person as you wish. When you change your perception about him, he changes in the true sense.

Koichi:  Probably if I tell general people what you told me, most people feel it nonsense. If we have a problem in the relationship with other people, we tend to place the blame on others. It is human nature. But, I think some people become aware of the truth.


Spiritual growth means to live true self.

Grupplue:  Yes, you are right. Some people realize the truth, whose spiritual growth is accelerating. Spiritual growth means to live true self. Living your true self is to choose your state of being by your decision. When you choose your state of being by your decision, you are choosing what you experience in your circumstances. When you decide you experience love and happiness, please experience all every moment with the vibration of love and happiness. Please decide yourself as a being who lives with the love and happiness Act in such a state of being. Feel in such a state of being. It is the true meaning of the freedom of choosing. You choose your feeling and action with your free will. It is your vibration, which is projected to your reality.


Do you have any advice to people who wish to meet their partner?

Koichi:  Let’s start over the theme about the question form people, “Can I find a partner?’. Do you have any advice to people who wish to meet their partner?

Grupplue:  What are the feelings and emotions that you want to feel through experiencing with your partner? For example, you say it is the feeling of joy and peace. If so, please act with a feeling of joy and peace. Please make sure you live your life with the feeling of joy and peace every moment. Please breathe with the feeling of joy and peace. Please eat with the feeling of joy and peace. Please walk with the feeling of joy and peace. Please meet people with a feeling of joy and peace. Please fill your all action with the feeling of joy and peace.


Please let go of the expectation.

Koichi:  What you are telling us is to act with the feeling of state we desire.

Grupplue:  Yes. And, there is another important point. Please let go of the expectation that you will meet a partner by acting with the feeling of the state you desire. Action with the feeling of the state that you desire, for example, the feeling of joy and peace, is not the means to meet your partner. Each action is the action of joy and peace. It is not the action to get something. Please enjoy every moment. When you take action from the expectation to get joy and peace, you are deciding that you don’t feel joy and peace at the moment now. Thus, it projects the reality that you don’t feel joy and peace.

Koichi:  I got it. I let go of expectation and act with the feeling of the state I desire.

Grupplue:  Yes. That’s right.

Koichi:  I feel it difficult to let go of expectations.

Grupplue:  Please use your self-healing technique. You will let go of expectation and act with the feeling of the state you desire.

Koichi:  Ok. I will do. In my case, it is about my family’s happiness. The feeling of the sate is to feel joy unconditionally. I will let go of my negative beliefs to act with the feeling naturally.

Grupplue:  Yes.

Koichi:  Let’s finish here today. Thank you.



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