In this post, I will discuss what does Isabella mean spiritually. I use Name Essence Reading to find out the meaning of the name Isabella.
Table of Contents
What does Isabella mean spiritually with Name Essence Reading?
When I access to the sound of the name Isabella, I got a vision and draw as below.
I asked the drawing what does the name Isabella mean.
Then, I received the following message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Isabella.
And, I translated into English.
Isabella is the energy of neutrality and balance.
He brings all forms of energy into harmony and leads it into energy of peace and stability.
It affects all living beings.
I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.
If you don’t want to miss new reading results of Name Essence Reading by Koichi, don’t forget to subscribe to Koichi’s youtube channel!
What is Name Essence Reading?
I wrote about Name Essence Reading on the following page. Your full name has another vibration. You can make an appointment with Koichi on the following page for your full name reading.
