What is the name Olivia? Name Vibration of Olivia is converted into a vision, and into a message. It tells you what is the meaning of the name Olivia.
All names have different sounds. Sound is vibration. The vibration can be converted to vision in a meditative state with a joyful and peaceful mind. The vision has a message that tells what is the pure quality of your name. I draw Name Vibration Art of Olivia to convert the sound into the vision and receive the message what is the meaning of the name Olivia.
Here is a list of names that I have done with Name Vibration Reading. Please check out whether if there are names of your friends, family, or a partner.

English is not my first language, and I am doing my best to express the vision and message that I receive. If you notice there is something unclear in the article, please let me know in the comment box on the bottom. Thank you.
Table of Contents
What is the vision and message from the name Olivia by Name Vibration Reading?
When I access to the sound of the name Olivia, I got a vision and drew as below.
I asked the drawing what does the name Olivia mean. Then, I received a message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Olivia. And, I translated into English.
It represents how life should be expressed. It shows the expansion of life energy.
Its gentle and soft energy quietly and smoothly transmits to others.
Energies transmitted resonate with each other and continue to expand the gentle energy.
You are the one who spread peaceful energy around.
I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.
To follow my further works on Name Vibration Art and other channeling messages, Please subscribe to Koichi’s youtube channel.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia in various aspects?
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to another person?
The name vibration Olivia’s frequency helps a person to feel peaceful and calm. The sound has a neutralizing effect on emotions if your emotion is affected by your circumstance and not stable.
The vibration of Olivia relaxes a person’s face muscle and helps the mind to be more peaceful. It brings a quiet happy feeling into their mind by the relaxing effect on the muscles of a face and shoulder.
If a person’s energy is in the state of overly active, Olivia’s sound vibration stabilizes it.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to a family?
The vibration of the name Olivia brings a peaceful atmosphere to the family. You will feel all the positive possibility is expanding. Energy of Olivia brings happiness and peace to everyone in the family.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to a small group of people?
The name vibration Olivia neutralizes the energy created by people in a small group. The name vibration of Olivia has a calming effect on an emotion-driven relationship in a group of people.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?
The name vibration of Olivia effects to human’s collective consciousness in the following way. When people think and are about to take action which is against their true selves and based on fear, the vibration of the name Olivia will help people to rethink and put themselves back to the vibration of their true selves. So, they will not take the fear-based action which is against their true selves.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?
The vibration of Olivia is very similar to the state of feeling oneness with all people on the earth. The process of expanding peaceful energy is the process of becoming the one with all on earth.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the earth?
The name vibration Olivia helps the extreme expression of the nature of the earth to be moderate temperature. The extreme expression of the nature of the Earth means severe cold weather and extreme heat.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the entire universe?
The vibration of the name Olivia is similar to the vibration of the state in a balance of the universe. Match your vibration to the vibration of the sound Olivia, you are contributing to the universe to the state of the quietly balanced.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia for four elements?
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the fire element?
The vibration of the name Olivia works to the fire element in a supportive way. It helps the fire element to express itself not in an extreme way, but in a moderate and a long-lasting way. The fire element which is integrated with Olivia’s vibration is easy for people to communicate and get along with.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the water element?
By applying the sound vibration of Olivia to the water element, the energy becomes softer and smoother. The extreme movement of water such as turbulence will be prevented with the vibration of the name Olivia. When you apply the vibration of the name Olivia to drinking water, the taste of water becomes milder and softer and the water has a calming effect on the body and mind.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the air element?
The name vibration of Olivia activates the air element and makes the frequency higher. Therefore, you feel the shift the air to lighter and brighter. if you are into the air which is applied with the vibration of the name Olivia, you feel refreshed and energized.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the earth element?
The earth element becomes less solidified and softer with the name vibration of Olivia. The earth element becomes easier to absorbs light energy into it. If a plant grows there, it is easier for a plant to spread the root and absorb light energy from the root. In the way, applying the vibration of Olivia activate the whole forest blighter and happier.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia for sexual energies?
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the female energy?
The female energy with the vibration of the name Olivia is stable and not influenced by others. With the female energy, you center yourself into your true self and express the joy of your true nature.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the male energy?
The vibration of the name Olivia makes the male energy softer and tender, and keep the steady strength within it. The male energy with the vibration of Olivia is easy to fuse with the female energy.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia for Ying Yang energies?
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the Ying energy?
Ying energy with Olivia’s vibration creates peace and calmness in the reality you experience. The ying energy with Olivia’s vibration also creates consistency in the expansion of peaceful energy.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the Yang energy?
Yang energy with Olivia’s vibration lets peace energy expand all over the universe.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia for 7 chakras?
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 1st chakra?
The 1st chakra with Olivia’s vibration creates the steadiness to express peaceful energy. The steadiness is never affected by anything.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 2nd chakra?
The 2nd chakra with Olivia’s vibration creates a joyful feeling to express peaceful energy in your physical body and mind. As you feel good to generate peaceful energy, you continue to create peace energy.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 3rd chakra?
The 3rd chakra with Olivia’s vibration expresses the peaceful energy that you generate as physical activities with joy. So, your body and mind know that you are enjoying your peaceful energy.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 4th chakra?
The Peaceful vibration you generate in the 4th chakra radiates to all over the universe and influences the others. When the peaceful vibration resonates with others, they also start to radiate the peaceful energy all over the universe through the 4th chakra.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 5th chakra?
With the 5th chakra of Olivia’s vibration, you choose a peaceful language, speak peacefully, and hear a peaceful sound. You feel everything including yourself and the world as peaceful vibration.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 6th chakra?
With the 6th chakra of Olivia’s vibration, you see through peaceful vibration out of a mixture of all kinds of vibration. Therefore, you directly interact with others by resonating with their peaceful vibration. And, you together expand the peaceful vibration to the world.
What is the meaning of the name Olivia to the 7th chakra?
The 7th chakra with Olivia’s vibration communicates with the peaceful vibration in the entire universe. Thus you recognize the peaceful universe is a part of you, the reflection of yourself.
What do other online sources say about the name Olivia?
Let’s find out what Olivia means historically in other sources.
- Olivia on Wikipedia
- Olivia on Wiktionary
What is Name Vibration Reading?
Please check the page below about Name Vibration Reading. I provide the online session of Name Vibration Reading for your full name. Your full name has a different vibration from your first name.
Other sessions by Koichi
Apart from the Name Vibration reading session, I provide the following sessions online.
- Unlocking mind limitation
- Core Vibration Reading
Check the following link for the details.
