What is the meaning of the name Joan by Name Vibration?

What is the meaning of the name Joan by Name Vibration Art? Name Vibration Reading

What does Joan mean? I draw Name Vibration Art to convert the sound into the vision and receive the message what is the meaning of the name Joan. All names have different sounds. Sound is vibration. The vibration is converted to vision in a meditative state with a joyful and peaceful mind. The vision has a message that tells what is the pure quality of your name. In this post, I draw the vision of the name Joan and introduce the message from the name Joan.

Here is a list of names that I have done with Name Vibration Reading. Please check out whether if there are names of your friends, family, or a partner.

List of first names | what is the meaning of your name?
In this page, I will show you the list of first names in which I explored the meanings with Name Vibration Reading. I ke...

English is not my first language, and I am doing my best to express the vision and message that I receive. If you notice there is something unclear in the article, please let me know in the comment box on the bottom. Thank you.


Table of Contents

What is the vision and message from the name Joan by Name Vibration Reading?


When I access to the sound of the name Joan, I got a vision and drew as below.

meaning of the name Joan by Name vibration art

I asked the drawing what does the name Joan mean. Then, I received a message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Joan. And, I translated into English.

Joan calms down all kind of energy.
The energy calmed down penetrates into earth and settle down.
The energy settling down in earth becomes life energy and wait the chance to generate a living beings.
It is like earth just before spring starts.
It is like earth just before sun rises.
It is like a pupa just before it becomes a butterfly.
It is like a bud just before it opens a flower.
Joan’s energy has all energy and elements which are needed for blooming.

I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.

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What is the meaning of the name Joan in various aspects?

What is the meaning of the name Joan to another person?

Joan’s vibration calms down a person’s emotion driven by the influence of circumstances.  Then, the person easily finds what is the most joyful action for the person, helping the person to settle back to the uninfluenced state.

What is the meaning of the name Joan for a family?

The vibration of Joan keeps your family peaceful and supports a tangible connection between family members. Each family member feels a peaceful connection in the family.

What is the meaning of the name Joan to a small group of people?

The vibration of Joan helps people in a group communicate more smoothly without emotional conflict.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?

The frequency of the name Joan supports people on the earth to be ready for shifting to the new dimension, where all people on the earth are expressing the best version of them with no limitation. It is like being ready for the blooming of mankind.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the earth?

The vibration of Joan helps the soil vitalized with the energy in the air and enrich with life energy. It calms down the earth’s vibration. The energy on the surface of the earth goes down to the core of the earth (the central sun), generates the energy which supports the inner earth.

If Joan is the earth, the earth holds the energy to wait for the flourishing of living beings.

What is the meaning of the name Joan to the entire universe?

The energy of Joan is similar to the state just before a new star is born. The vibration of Joan makes an infinite number of stars ready to be born quietly.

If Joan is the entire universe, the universe is filled with quiet, gentle, and strong energy, and ready to generate an unlimited number of living beings.


What is the meaning of the name Joan for four elements?


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the fire element?

The fire element with Joan’s vibration keeps the fire energy strong and steady. The wind is not able to extinguish the fire of Joan’s vibration. The fire element keeps warming and relaxing people.

If Joan is fire, even when the fire looks like extinguished, it is not extinguished. It shows flares immediately when the time and condition is right.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the water element?

The water element with Joan’s vibration easily penetrates into the soil on earth. It also penetrates into human skin and body. The water with Joan’s vibration which goes into a human body easily goes out when it is not needed. Therefore, the water element with Joan’s vibration keeps a human body adequately moisturized.

The water element with Joan’s vibration smoothly circulates inside the earth. The water goes where it needs to be smoothly.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the air element?

The air element with Joan’s vibration stays always peaceful and quiet. If Joan is air, the air is always clean and pure without any pollution. The energy of the air is not influenced by negative energy at all.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the earth element?

The earth element with Joan’s vibration is always rich and abundant with life energy. The earth element is always ready to create new lives.

If Joan is earth (soil), it accepts and forgives all kinds of energy, both negative and positive. It holds it like a mother holds a baby, and transform it into pure life energy.


What is the meaning of the name Joan for sexual energies?


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the female energy?

For female energy, Joan’s vibration means acceptance and unconditional loving without resistance. It is based on the confidence that you transform any kind of negative energy into life energy filled with light.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the male energy?

Joan’s vibration works to male energy in a supportive way. Joan’s vibration settles down male energy into a calm and stable state. The male energy becomes the state that anything doesn’t affect it.


What is the meaning of the name Joan for Ying Yang energies?


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the Ying energy?

Ying energy with Joan’s vibration lets any kind of energy to settle down instantly. The energy which falls down into the earth quickly goes to the center of the earth. The energy that reaches to the center of the earth turns into yang energy,  becoming the central sun.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the Yang energy?

The energy in the earth which settles down from the air becomes life energy with the power of expansion by yang energy. The life energy is in the state of ready to be living beings.


What is the meaning of the name Joan for 7 chakras?


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 1st chakra?

The vibration of Joan helps your first chakra absorb all kinds of energy and stabilizes it. For the first chakra with Joan’s vibration, all kinds of energy are just the same energy. There is no negative and positive energy.  It takes any kind of energy as neutral and equal, and those energies literally become neutral energy with the vibration of Joan in the first chakra.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 2nd chakra?

In the 2nd chakra with the vibration of Joan, the neutral energy absorbed in the 1st chakra becomes life energy. The life energy is the form of energy which is ready to be used for your daily creative activity.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 3rd chakra?

The life energy generated in the 2nd chakra is pooled in the 3rd chakra. The life energy is waiting for your decision which action and with what state of being you are going to take now. By following your decision, life energy in the 3rd chakra is taken and used for the purpose.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 4th chakra?

The 4th chakra functions to communicate with your outer world. By feeling the outer world with the 4th chakra, you know what needs your help. By knowing the what, you use the life energy you generate and take action to help others in your outer world.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 5th chakra?

The life energy you generate is seen as your aura or be heard as your voice vibration. Through the expression, people know subconsciously that you are filled with life energy and are attracted to you. By interacting with you who has full of life energy, people are inspired and are stimulated for their spiritual growth.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 6th chakra?

Through the 6th chakra with Joan’s vibration, you see everything calm and quiet. You know you have the power to affect your reality positively with your intention and your action supported by your life energy.


What is the meaning of the name Joan to the 7th chakra?

All kinds of energy from people, the earth, the sun, and the outer space come into your body through the 7th chakra and sent to the 1st chakra. The process continues as far as living your life.


What do other online sources say about the name Joan?


Let’s find out what Joan means historically in other sources.


What is Name Vibration Reading?


Please check the page below about Name Vibration Reading. I provide the online session of Name Vibration Reading for your full name. Your full name has a different vibration from your first name.

About Name Vibration Reading


Other sessions by Koichi


Apart from the Name Vibration reading session, I provide the following sessions online.

  • Unlocking mind limitation
  • Core Vibration Reading

Check the following link for the details.


Session of Vibration Shifter (VS) technique It is the session to let go of conflicts in mind caused by the old belief sy...



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