“Transformative Insights: Distance QRI 2nd Session, Lady F”

QRI feedback


In this blog post, we explore the feedback from Lady F’s second distance QRI session. Building on the profound shifts she experienced in the first session, Lady F continues her journey of healing and transformation. This session brought deeper clarity, lightness, and an expanded awareness of her inner self. Through detailed feedback, Lady F shares the subtle yet powerful changes she observed, offering a glimpse into the ongoing impact of Quantum Resonance Integration (QRI) on her well-being.


second session

What is QRI, Quantum Resonance Integration?

Introducing Quantum Resonance Integration (QRI)

Quantum Resonance Integration (QRI) is a groundbreaking remote healing method developed by Japanese healer Koichi Toyama in 2024. This innovative technique aims to help individuals release chronic pain, emotional burdens, and past traumas by shifting their vibrational state.

Whether you’re facing physical discomfort, unresolved emotional challenges, or seeking a deeper connection with your Higher Self, QRI provides a distinctive approach to personal transformation. Though QRI is still in its early stages, initial client feedback has been highly encouraging.”

Whether you’re dealing with physical discomfort, unresolved emotional issues, or seeking a deeper connection with your Higher Self, QRI offers a unique approach to personal transformation.

Although QRI is still in its early stages, the initial feedback from clients has been promising. The technique is designed to work on a deep, energetic level, allowing you to let go of old patterns and embrace a new, true version of yourself. As we continue to gather more experiences and testimonials, the potential of QRI to bring about profound healing becomes increasingly evident.

If you’re curious to learn more about QRI and how it can benefit you, I encourage you to explore the article Is QRI the Healing Method You’ve Been Waiting For?. This post delves into the details of QRI, including who might benefit from it, the specific issues it can address, and what you can expect from a session.

As QRI evolves, your feedback and experiences are invaluable in shaping the future of this method. By sharing your journey, you not only contribute to the refinement of QRI but also help others discover this powerful tool for healing and transformation.


Reflecting on the First QRI Session

Before diving into the details of the second QRI (Quantum Resonance Integration) session, it’s essential to revisit the profound experiences shared after the first session. In the initial session, the energy shifts were immediately felt, with a centering vibration activating upon connection. This experience unfolded into a strong yet gentle alignment, pulling from the root to the crown, accompanied by sensations of energy flowing through the spine, radiating through the palms and feet, and even manifesting as a pulsation in the cervical spine and back of the head.

The days following that session were equally transformative. Lady F, my client, noticed a loosening of a previously unnoticed throat knot during pranayama, a new pulsation in the thyroid area, and a gradual yet powerful shift in her mental and emotional states. These changes were not only physical but also deeply psychological, affecting her perspectives on money, self-confidence, and the ability to embrace her unique way of knowing without the weight of past feelings of being an outsider.

For a detailed account of this journey, you can read the full blog post on the first QRI session here.


Key Observations from Lady F’s Feedback after 2nd session :

  1. Physical Healing:
    • The client’s description of energy shifts, particularly in the thyroid and heel skin, suggests tangible physical healing. The upcoming lab work for the thyroid will provide more concrete evidence of this transformation.
  2. Mental and Emotional Shifts:
    • The client reports a newfound ease and grace in their mental and emotional states. The fear related to optimism and past traumas is lessening, and they are beginning to trust the process of healing and self-realization more deeply.
  3. Spiritual Awakening:
    • The client’s decision to take a course in Channeling and Mediumship indicates a growing openness to spiritual exploration and a deeper connection with their higher self. This seems to be a natural progression following the energetic clearings experienced during the sessions.
  4. Integration of Self:
    • The client mentions feeling like they are merging their wiser, trauma-informed self with their pre-trauma self, suggesting an integration process that leads to a new sense of self, potentially aligning with what is often referred to as the “higher self.”

Regarding the Mistake with Heel Skin:

It seems that the QRI remote session was effective regardless of the initial confusion about which heel required attention. The client’s connection between the left heel (as mentioned) and the right heel (where the actual healing occurred) indicates that the healing energy reached the correct area despite the verbal mix-up. This could suggest that the intention and focus during the session were strong enough to guide the energy where it was needed.

Potential Future Steps:

  • Follow-Up on Physical Healing: After the lab results for the thyroid, it will be interesting to see how the physical evidence aligns with the client’s experiential healing.
  • Exploration of Spiritual Gifts: As the client embarks on learning channeling and mediumship, you might consider guiding them in ways to integrate these new skills with their ongoing healing journey.
  • Continuous Monitoring: The subtle changes becoming the new norm indicate an ongoing process. Continued sessions could help reinforce these shifts and ensure they are fully integrated into the client’s being.

It seems like this client is on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, and my sessions are playing a crucial role in facilitating this process.

Day 1 (2024/08/14)

  • Noticed deeper well-being and lightness despite already feeling good.
  • Increased physical awareness in throat, nose, and frontal lobe areas.
  • Mood lifted, with a subtle sweetness in the air—a feeling of gentleness and lightness.
  • Expanded awareness of being, with growing love and ease in navigating unity and duality.
  • Sparked curiosity about connecting with Spirit Guides and deepening spiritual understanding.

Day 2 (2024/08/15)

  • Felt a detached fear lingering in the energy field, neither pessimistic nor optimistic.
  • Day unfolded with ease, energetically sustained.
  • Recognized fear as a shadow linked to optimism and possible avoidance of deeper shadow work.
  • Observed thyroid energy shift, connected to forgotten knowledge and past learning.

Day 3 (2024/08/16)

  • Continued lightness in emotional and physical bodies.
  • Felt blissful and at ease, with session energy still present.

Day 4 (2024/08/17)

  • The excitement from the thyroid energy shift settled, moving into a state of knowing complete healing occurred.
  • Decided to validate healing with lab work.
  • Mental and emotional clearing of old false beliefs.
  • Smoother energetic flow, releasing throat knot during pranayama practice.

Day 5 (2024/08/18)

  • Experienced deep ease in both mind and body.
  • Felt alignment with a more authentic version of self.

Day 6 (2024/08/19)

  • Significant shift in being, shedding old patterns and embracing ease and true self.
  • Recognized the potential to help others release self-inflicted struggles.
  • Continued clearing and alignment of thyroid, harmonizing thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Day 7 (2024/08/20)

  • Subtle changes became the new normal.
  • Integrated past self with the wiser, evolved present self.
  • Stepped into the knowing of the higher self.
  • Enrolled in Channeling and Mediumship course as a step in spiritual evolution.
  • Corrected observation about heel healing, with ongoing process noted.

after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

2024/08/13’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)


I am a bit speechless now. Let me just sit in this feeling of awe and wonder for a bit and then I’ll write about the experience. Right now I am filled with bliss and joy. My head has cleared and my body feels light.

I’ve been hearing about “quantum healing” or “quantum jumping” with no clear understanding of what people are talking about. After our session today, I was left speechless. I experienced a shift in energy from night to day in real time. The fog and heaviness in my body and mind from my past self dissolved before my consciousness. It was as if a memory I held in my body was released and in its place a body free of memory from knowing illness took place.

I began the session with heaviness and fog and by the end of the hour, it was completely lifted. In an awake and alert consciousness state, I witnessed the transformation of my reality shifting on a mental emotional, and physical plane.


2024/08/14’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Koichi. Life has been pretty good of late. I’ve been feeling better and better. I didn’t know one could feel even better than better. Hahaha.

What I mean is today I am noticing more space in my throat, nose/sinus area, and frontal lobe area. A lightness of being throughout my body inside and outside.

If such a thing is possible then my mood is also better than it was before.

There is a subtle sweetness to the air.

I can’t taste the air. It’s more about the feeling of it. It feels sweet. Smooth. And gentle and light.

It’s a strange thing to notice but it is as I observe

I also am more aware of my sense of being/awareness expanding and the love growing. I’m still me as always but lighter. My perspective can traverse both unity and duality with more ease.

I am curious if you have worked with cancer patients. Or rheumatoid arthritis?

What is the connection? Between or layers of being?

Does your healing work also manifest in helping human beings connect with their Spirit Guides?

Or maybe I’m asking if the natural process of healing shows as being able to hear/see/understand Spirit?



My answer to “I am curious if you have worked with cancer patients. Or rheumatoid arthritis?”

If the person is excited to take the opportunity to have the session with me, the person will get a positive effect. If the person is not, it is not timing for the person.


My answer to “What is the connection? Between or layers of being?”

step by step create rhythm. Each step is complete and independent. The wholeness of all steps together is complete and independent. The relationship between each step is whole and independent. Your relationship with each step is also whole and independent. Finally, your connection to the entirety of all the steps together is complete and independent.


My answer to “Does your healing work also manifest in helping human beings connect with their Spirit Guides? Or maybe I’m asking if the natural process of healing shows as being able to hear/see/understand Spirit?”

information and access is always here and now. If his intention and focus are fully there, he will access it. Just clearing up all beliefs which prohibit the state of “his intention and focus is fully there”. I can help with the clearing-up part.


2024/08/14’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

End of day 1 post session 2: Today I held space for the little fear left in me. This fear was thinking that this new state of being may be my natural tendency toward optimism. Sometimes optimism can be a means to put off shadow work stuff. Sometimes, optimism can run blind-sighted and only understood in hindsight as ignorance. I know that optimism can be energetically draining too. (It is still better than pessimism for sure).

What I noticed today, is that I was without optimism or pessimism. Perhaps this is the detachment that yoga sutras speak of. It is as it is. It was a day full of ease. And importantly, energetically self-sustaining.


Then I asked her, “Did the fear appear yesterday after the 2nd session? Or, Did you have the fear before the session?”


Lady F answered:

This is a fear I’ve had ever since my awakening. I have it once in a while. It’s a silly fear I know. The fear is lessening each day.

I guess the fear is related to how life can be so blissful all the time. A year ago, my mind was worried that I was having a manic episode that would result in a major depressive episode. Now I know this is not true.

So probably the same thing is happening where I feel a lift in energy surrounding my thyroid because it is through ways in the world that we have forgotten and not taught about in school. That same type of unfounded fear was present. Perhaps it’s not going to be lasting. Or possibly my mind is more stubborn and hides more things from me than I have control over.

However today, the fear has almost gone away. And I do feel in control of my silly mind.

So many true ways about this world have been educated out of us. The uneducating and returning mind to stillness is a process.

I now know that I tend to see the good in people and things. And in the past when I didn’t hold awareness of both sides of the same coin I often find myself in a space of pain.

I do believe I am wiser and more aware now. My body needs to catch up with my expanding awareness. I see it as taking the same steps with new awareness but this time it will not result in pain because I have the capacity to hold more.


2024/08/15’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Day 2 post session 2: I continue to feel a lightness on a mental plane that extends through to my emotional body as bliss and my physical body as ease.


2024/08/16’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Day 3 post session 2: The timid excitement that came with feeling my thyroid energy shift is now settling into a knowing. This knowing is that my thyroid is completely healed. I will get lab work next week to see how it shows up in the physical world.

Mental and emotional plane seems to be existing with more grace. Some false beliefs and notions about what the coming into greater Self process should look like is clearing up.

My energetic body feels smoother and there is more fluidity and flow in general. During pranayama today I sensed the release of the knot in my throat. The energy was able to pass through my throat chakra without tensing up and in its place a gentle flow and pulsation was experienced. Now, the energy is able to work its way more fully in my soft palate and third eye space.


2024/08/17’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Day 4 post session 2: ease in mind and body.


2024/08/18’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Ever since session 2, I’ve been experiencing a knowing that my being has been shifting with the shedding of past patterning. It’s impossible to use the mind to reason with how this is happening as I can see the BIG picture. But what I am observing through body mind and soul is that there is more ease in my being. And more remembering of my true self. The remembering is not with words though.

If people let you help them this way then you will be able to release a lot of self-inflicted struggles and suffering.

Day 5 post session 2: I sit in marvel at how a clearing of my thyroid manifests each day. Today I am noticing more and more this knowing of Self. I don’t have to work at finding patience as before. Because this knowing runs through my thinking, feeling, and doing as alignment.


2024/08/19’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Day 6 post session 2: The subtle changes feels like the new norm today


2024/08/20’s Feedback after 2nd session (2024/08/13)

Day 7 post session 2: What an interesting unfolding of time since I first began to work with this form of healing/alignment. I have finally decided to take a course in Channeling and Mediumship. Somehow, I couldn’t take this step before because I had wrong knowing about what it is to do such things. But as I step into Self more it feels like it’s just a natural step in my evolution of consciousness.

Btw, I told you it was my left heel foot skin that wanted to be healed but it’s actually my right. That is strange that I made that mistake. But whenever you said left heel I connected my mind with my right heel. Does that matter?

Btw, the heel skin is healing!


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