Unblocking the Flow: distance QRI 1st session, Lady F

QRI feedback


What is QRI, Quantum Resonance Integration?


Is QRI the Healing Method You’ve Been Waiting For? – Japanese Healer, Artist Koichi Toyama (japanese-healer.com)


Bullet-point: feedback of distance QRI 1st session, Lady F

• Immediate energy shift felt upon connection
• Centering vibration activating
• Aligning uplifting pull from root to crown
• Flow upwards through the spine
• Energy radiating through palms and feet
• Pulsating sensation from palms
• Energy flowing through the cervical spine and back of the head
• Gentle pressure between eyebrows
• Openness and lightness in breathing
• Momentary change in voice
• Shift in consciousness
• Expansion of awareness and understanding
• Reduction in “stuck” feelings
• New experience of root chakra vibrations
• Tingling and vibrating sensations in the soles of feet

Subsequent days’ feedback:
• Day 1 (2024/08/09):
– Loosening of throat “knot” during pranayama
– New pulsation felt in the thyroid area

• Day 2 (2024/08/10):
– Feeling heavier and lower in energy
– Sleeping very well

• Day 3 (2024/08/11):
– Continued tiredness
– Subtle shifts in mental and emotional planes
– Increased confidence in personal understanding of the world
– Changing perspective on money

• Day 4 (2024/08/12):
– Another level of clearing happening
– Release of fear about “shining too brightly”
– Moving towards a healthier way of being oneself

This summary captures the main points of feedback provided after the first session, including both immediate effects and changes noticed in the days following the session.

Subsequent days’ feedback:


2024/08/08’s Feedback after 1st session (2024/08/08)

That was so interesting, I could feel the energy shift throughout the session. Immediately when we connected I felt a centering vibration activating. But throughout the session, it got stronger but gentle and light, with an aligning uplifting pull from root to crown. A flow upwards through the spine. Radiating through my palms and feet also. Pulsating from my palms. Flowing through my cervical spine through the back of my head. Gently pressure between my eyebrows. With openness and lightness to my breathing. I also noticed a change in my voice even if for a moment. It was new. My consciousness also shifted. My awareness and understanding expanded. There are still stuck parts. But they are less stuck.

After the session: this is new for me. I noticed root chakra vibrations. At the beginning of the year, I had felt subtle vibrations in my pelvic area. They were what I understand to be from sacral chakra. Today it is vibration lower. More the location of what I understand the root chakra to be in. Also, the soles of my feet are tingling and vibrating quite strongly. Thank you. This world is truly amazing. 玄之又玄


2024/08/09’s Feedback after 1st session (2024/08/08)

Two subtle observations today.

  1. During pranayama with uddiyana bandha the knot that I didn’t know was a knot at my throat seemed to loosen. I didn’t feel as big as a physical tug when I was pulling energy upward.
  2. I was playing around with my singing bowl and noticed for the first time a pulsation from my thyroid that had never happened before. I felt this same blinking/pulsating/vortex energy around my third eye since January this year. And within my skull and scalp. But my throat has been numb in a way. Today I felt something awaken.

I am becoming accustomed to these sensations as a way to sense the invisible.

It’s as if my thyroid has a heartbeat again.


2024/08/10’s Feedback after 1st session (2024/08/08)

Hello, and good morning Koichi. Day 2) I feel heavier and lower in energy after the session. I’ve been sleeping very well. Just somehow slower than usual.


2024/08/11’s Feedback after 1st session (2024/08/08)

Post session day 3: still feeling a little tired. However, I’m continuing to notice subtle shifts on the mental and emotional plane. My understanding of money and my way of knowing, areas where I used to feel stuck, now seem to be opening up to another level.

The mental and emotional mismatch is disappearing. I’m feeling more confident in the way I understand the world. Less apologetic. Owning my way of knowing.

I’m finding more clarity in how I feel in the world which is creating more room for new thinking

For example, knowing money is a necessary way of life moving forward into the future. But feeling tired of being in a world so driven by the need to make money.

And now feeling that money is a new way and therefore excited about money being as a necessary means into the future.

Also, knowing that the way I know is unique and important. Yet not feel that the way I know is beautiful because somehow still living in a world where I remember feeling how I have been an outsider all my life.

I knew I needed to be an outsider for me to see the way I see. I also know that time is needed for me to shift my feelings to align with my knowing.

But I think what we did helped speed it up and make it much easier on myself.

Somehow I know things without knowing exactly how I know.

2024/08/12’s Feedback after 1st session (2024/08/08)

Post session Day 4 ☝️

I am noticing another level of clearing that is happening. For a long long time, I have been unable to fully be myself. The unreasonable learned fear of shining too brightly has been holding me back. But I am noticing that this fear is also being released to a healthy way of just being myself.


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