What is the name Michael? Name Vibration of Michael is converted into a vision, and into a message. It tells you what is the meaning of the name Michael.
All names have different sounds. Sound is vibration. The vibration can be converted to vision in a meditative state with a joyful and peaceful mind. The vision has a message that tells what is the pure quality of your name. I draw Name Vibration Art of Michael to convert the sound into the vision and receive the message what is the meaning of the name Michael.
Here is a list of names that I have done with Name Vibration Reading. Please check out whether if there are names of your friends, family, or a partner.

English is not my first language, and I am doing my best to express the vision and message that I receive. If you notice there is something unclear in the article, please let me know in the comment box on the bottom. Thank you.
Table of Contents
What is the vision and message from the name Michael by Name Vibration Reading?
When I access to the sound of the name Michael, I got a vision and drew as below.
I asked the drawing what does the name Michael mean. Then, I received a message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Michael.
And, I translated into English.
Michael is the light to light up this world.
It warms up people’s hearts and leads people to the path of light.
The process goes on until the world completely becomes the world of light.
I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.
To follow my further works on Name Vibration Art and other channeling messages, Please subscribe to Koichi’s youtube channel.
What is the meaning of the name Michael in various aspects?
What is the meaning of the name Michael to himself?
If you have the vibration of Michael whether it is your name or not, you are born as a light. So, your life journey is to accept your light. You don’t need to try to be light because you are already light whether you remember or not.
In the process of remembering your light, you do the process of letting go of beliefs that deny you are the light. You just simply accept you are a light that shines the world and people. By shining others, you see lights from outside as a reflection of your light. You are the origin of light of your world.
When you fully trust yourself as you are the source of light, you already have no resistance to your true self.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to another person?
The vibration of the name Michael gives light to a person’s cells. It activates a person’s vitality. It lets the person see the world with more light, blighter, and more shining. The person starts to see other people happier and blighter. It is because the person’s light vibration is activated by Michael’s vibration. You are giving the effect not intentionally, but by your existence. As far as you are not suppressing your light with beliefs that you are not, the light is shining by you are living your life with joy.
What is the meaning of the name Michael for a family?
With Michael’s vibration, your family is more smiling, happier, and positive about themselves. Family members feel the home and the family as a place of light. They feel being with the family is relaxing and warm. Even someone resists to the light, eventually, the light penetrates into the entire family. Then, the family itself becomes the light for the world.
Whatever is happening around your family, trust me, you are guiding your family to the light.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?
The vibration of Micheal leads all humans’ collective consciousness toward the realization that light is already within each of us. You are seeing the reality as the result of that you fully lighten up yourself. It is the reflection of your state of being. When you fully trust all humans as spiritual beings of self-lightening up, they are truly so.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the earth?
By following Michael’s vibration, the earth starts shining and increases the frequency. The earth shines only when you shine. The earth is your follower. If you decide that you don’t let yourself shine, the earth doesn’t shine. The shining of the earth is your reflection.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the entire universe?
The light of the beginning of the universe is the same light of the name Michael. Therefore, the name Michael means the origin of light, the source of light, and the beginning of light. So, I am telling you is nothing lightens up you but only yourself does.
What is the meaning of the name Michael for four elements?
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the fire element?
The fire element with Michael’s vibration represents a spark of the moment. It shows you that when you focus 100% on this moment right now with pure joy, you are creating the spark of light at this moment. And, the moment is eternal.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the water element?
“Beauty of light” is the expression of the water element with Michael’s vibration. Light by the vibration of Michael passes through the water element and reaches to all directions. The water element supports the light to spread by taking it inside and letting out. By being together with the water element, the light by the vibration of Michael shows the dance of light and water as they keep moving.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the air element?
The air element is the medium for light by Michael’s vibration. Through the air element, light travels from here to their instantly within no time. Your shining light here and now already reaches there and now. Therefore, your light always shines all living beings on earth.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the earth element?
The earth element with light by Michael’s vibration designs the basic structure of the physical body of humans and other living beings. Therefore, we can have physical experience with our physical bodies. You can touch, feel, and walk.
What is the meaning of the name Michael for sexual energies?
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the female energy?
Extracting Joy from inside of you is the expression of the female energy with Michael’s vibration.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the male energy?
Expressing the essence of vital energy is the expression of male energy with Michael’s vibration. The power created by pure vital energy influences others by the not forceful way, but in the way it let others lighten up themselves.
What is the meaning of the name Michael for Ying Yang energies?
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the Ying energy?
“The concentration of light energy into one point” is the expression of Ying energy with Michael’s vibration. The power of the moment focused by your pure intention is the seed of miracles. The concentrated energy of light is the source light of creation. You are the seed of a big bang.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the Yang energy?
The spread of light energy is the expression of the yang energy with Michael’s vibration. Your light keeps spread to all directions and influences to all. Your light spreads instantly to the entire universe. The spread light projects your version of reality with full of light.
What is the meaning of the name Michael for 7 chakras?
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 1st chakra?
The accepting your own light is the expression of the 1st chakra with Michael’s vibration. When you accept it, your light has power. If you don’t accept it, it has no power even if it exists here right now.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 2nd chakra?
“Enhancing your physical vibration” is the expression of the 2nd chakra with the name Michael’s vibration. To match your physical body to your own light, you are ready to let go of all beliefs that repel the light from yourself. By letting go of them, you are enhancing the vibration of your physical body. Therefore, your action matches the frequency of light.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 3rd chakra?
The action with pure light vibration is the expression of the 3rd chakra with Michael’s vibration.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 4th chakra?
“Radiating the light to others” is the expression of the 4th Chakra with Michael’s vibration. Being who truly you are by no resistance to who you are, automatically you are radiating the light to the world. The light helps others to lighten up themselves.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 5th chakra?
“Words of lightening up others”, it is the expression of the 5th chakra with Michael’s vibration. What you speak stimulates people’s realization that they become the source of light. It is the result of their letting of resistance to their own light.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 6th chakra?
“Seeing the light within you” is the expression of the 6th chakra with Michael’s vibration. Sometime, people can’t see their own light because they completely believe that they are not light. It happens even if the lights are there as who they are. By your seeing these light within them, you are shifting the reality from the state that people don’t see their own light to the state of they see it. It is the result of your complete trust in their own light. And, it is because you trust your own light purely.
What is the meaning of the name Michael to the 7th chakra?
“Connecting with the universe filled with light” is the expression of the 7th chakra of the name Michael’s vibration. As you are the source center of the light, the universe reflected by you is the universe full of light. Then, you are communicating with it by accepting it as your own creation.
What do other online sources say about the name Michael?
Let’s find out what Michael means historically in other sources.
- Michael on Wikipedia
- Michael on Wiktionary
What is Name Vibration Reading?
Please check the page below about Name Vibration Reading. I provide the online session of Name Vibration Reading for your full name. Your full name has a different vibration from your first name.
Other sessions by Koichi
Apart from the Name Vibration reading session, I provide the following sessions online.
- Unlocking mind limitation
- Core Vibration Reading
Check the following link for the details.
