QRI session

keywords :

Traumas free, pain free, tension free, free from illusionary self, being true self, pure self

Are you interested in a QRI session, a unique healing method that allows you to receive messages from your pure realm? If you are, you might want to book a session with a Japanese healer Koichi who offers this service. In this article, I will explain how to book a QRI session with Koichi, what to expect from the session, and how much it costs.

[booking form]

What is QRI (Quantum Resonance Integration) session?

QRI session is a healing method that allows you to receive messages from your pure realm. Your pure realm is the essence of who you were before you were influenced by other people’s beliefs, social norms, past experiences, or traumas. Your pure realm is your true self, your original self, your pure self.

In a QRI session, the healer will receive messages from your pure realm and convey them to you. These messages can be about anything that you need to know, such as your pure desires. All the messages are positive, respectful, and loving.

By feeling the messages, you will start to integrate with your original self. At the same time, the illusion of yourself that was created by other people’s beliefs will disappear, along with the emotions, thoughts, and sensations that were attached to it. This will free you from various problems, such as physical tension, negative emotions, past traumas, relationship issues, low self-confidence, pain, discomfort, etc. You will start to realize that your life has been already with happiness and abundance.

QRI session is a healing method that does not involve any intentional action from the healer. The healer will not touch your body. The session is done by phone. The healer will not send you any energy. It is not an energy healing. The healer will not change you nor try to change you. You will choose. You will choose whether to accept and feel the messages. And then, the transformation will begin. The healer will only convey the messages from your pure realm.

[booking form]

How to book a QRI session with Koichi?

If you want to book a QRI session with a Japanese healer, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit https://instagram.com/japanesehealer or https://facebook.com/japanesehealer and learn more about the healer. You will feel if the healer suits you.
  2. Click on the [booking form] and choose the date and time that suits you. The available time slots are shown in Taipei time, so please adjust to your local time zone. The first session is for 90 minutes.
  3. Pay for the session via PayPal. If you are outside Taiwan, the price is 32 USD/30 minutes, 64 USD/60 minutes, or 96 USD/90 minutes. The PayPal fee is included in the price.
  4. After you pay, you will receive a confirmation email with the details of the session, such as the date, time, phone number, and Google Meet link. Please save this email and check it before the session.
  5. Before the session, please write down answers on your note to the question below. You don’t need to show me if you don’t want. The purpose of writing them is to compare before and after sessions. Otherwise, you will forget what issues you had. It is because your perception changes about the past through the QRI session,
  6. On the day of the session, please call the healer at the appointed time with Google Meet. The link is in the confirmation email. Please make sure you have a stable internet connection and a quiet environment.
  7. Enjoy the QRI session and receive the messages from your pure realm.

What to expect from the QRI session?

The QRI session is a simple and easy process. You just need to listen to the messages from the healer and feel them. During the session, sometimes the healer will ask questions about your feelings. So, the healer knows your state.

If you want to share your issues, you can share them with the healer. Even if you don’t tell the issues, the healing will happen. You just say you have issues you want to let go, but you don’t want to tell. You don’t need to talk, think, analyze, or judge. You don’t need to have any expectations or goals. You just need to be open to the messages.

The messages from your pure realm are always positive, respectful, and loving. They are not negative, critical, or judgmental. They are not based on other people’s opinions or standards. They are based on your essence and truth.

The messages from your pure realm are always relevant, timely, and helpful. They are not based on the past or the future. They are based on the present moment.

The messages from your pure realm are always empowering, inspiring, and uplifting. They are not limiting, discouraging, or depressing. They are not based on fear or lack. They are based on positiveness such as peace, love, and abundance.

The messages from your pure realm are always personal, unique, and original. They are based on your pure vibration.

By feeling the messages from your pure realm, you will start to integrate with your original self. You will start to remember who you are, what you want, and what you can do. You will start to release the illusion of yourself that was created by other people’s beliefs. You will start to free yourself from various problems that were caused by the illusion.

Are you ready to book a QRI session with a Japanese healer? Are you ready to receive the messages from your pure realm? Are you ready to remember who you are?

If you are, please visit the [booking form] and book your session today. You will not regret it. I promise.