What is the name Liam? Name Vibration of Liam is converted into a vision, and into a message. It tells you what is the meaning of the name Liam.
All names have different sounds. Sound is vibration. The vibration can be converted to vision in a meditative state with a joyful and peaceful mind. The vision has a message that tells what is the pure quality of your name. I draw Name Vibration Art of Liam to convert the sound into the vision and receive the message what is the meaning of the name Liam.
Here is a list of names that I have done with Name Vibration Reading. Please check out whether if there are names of your friends, family, or a partner.

English is not my first language, and I am doing my best to express the vision and message that I receive. If you notice there is something unclear in the article, please let me know in the comment box on the bottom. Thank you.
Table of Contents
What is the vision and message from the name Liam by Name Vibration Reading?
When I access to the sound of the name Liam, I got a vision and drew as below.
I asked the drawing what does the name Liam mean. Then, I received a message from the drawing in Japanese about the meaning of the name Liam.
And, I translated into English.
Liam represents the state of creation from emptiness.
It is the state of silently and infinitely creating energy from emptiness.
The energy increases the density and appears as a material.
Eventually, the state of being material becomes thorough, and a material turns into nothing and becomes one with the whole.
At the moment, the whole is the frequency of Liam, which is the state of creation from emptiness.
The universe continues to expand infinitely by repeating the process of creating from nothingness and return to nothingness.
It is the frequency of Liam.
I made my drawing process and the message into a 1-minute video. Please watch.
To follow my further works on Name Vibration Art and other channeling messages, Please subscribe to Koichi’s youtube channel.
What is the meaning of the name Liam in various aspects?
What is the meaning of the name Liam to himself?
If you have the vibration of Liam whether it is your own name or not, you are the person who starts or builds something new from zero with your ability of manifestation. As you are the source of the emptiness, you are the source of the creation. You understand consciously or subconsciously all creations are in your hands.
You see the reality with the point of view of the system for reality creation. You understand all creations always changes. You understand the creation happens and the creation disappears.
You already know it is also your creation about yourself, how you are, what you experience, and what you feel is also your creation. Therefore, you are humble and peaceful about how you are.
You understand the people and circumstances around you are reflections of your creation. Therefore, you are the person of humbleness who appreciates, accepts, and forgives people around you in any situation.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to another person?
If the person in front of you is spiritually the mind opened, he/she want to know why you are so calm and humble.
Your understanding and observation about reality are based on your realization that all the reality is the result of your creation and a part of your flow. If you already understand it consciously, you will share it with the person. If you subconsciously understand it, he/she will learn subconsciously through relating with you and transform him/herself to the state of awareness.
What is the meaning of the name Liam for a family?
Being with you (Liam’s vibration), your family learns to be calm and neutral to what happens around them. You are a guide for them to realize that they have an ability to lead themselves to the happy reality by creating their feeling and the reality related to the feeling.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the collective consciousness of humans on the earth?
The vibration of Liam represents human beings in the state of the process for spiritual awakening. The spiritual awakening for human beings means knowing and understanding fully everything is the creation of each of us based on free will.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the earth?
The earth is also the reflection of your creation. The earth is always supporting you by providing materials and the environment for your best experience as who you are. As your understanding about yourself expands, the provides by the earth also expand by matching to your understanding.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the entire universe?
Many of us believe that we are within the universe. On the other hand, you understand the universe is your creation and within you. As you understand it, you know you are the master of the universe. The universe reflects from your state of being. The universe follows you.
What is the meaning of the name Liam for four elements?
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the fire element?
The fire element with Liam’s vibration represents that change is constant. Fire shows it changes the movement, the shape, and the temperature every moment. The fire now you see is never the same fire from the past or the future.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the water element?
The water element with Liam’s vibration shows the reality you experience is your reflection. If you prepare a glass cup and put water in it, the water becomes the shape of the grass cup. If you look at the surface of the water, you see a face exactly the same as yours on the water’s surface. If you pour water on slope, the water flows to a lower altitude. If you heat water, the water becomes hot.
Water changes the movement, the position, the shape, and temperature according to the influence of the action you choose.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the air element?
The air element with Liam’s vibration shows creation and emptiness are always here and now together. Creation in reality and emptiness are inseparable. You create a reality this moment because the reality is empty.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the earth element?
The earth element with Liam’s vibration shows your ability for creation from zero creates a solid and stable matter. As far as you decide it is solid and stable, it is so. Every moment you are creating it’s solid and stable. It follows your perception.
What is the meaning of the name Liam for sexual energies?
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the female energy?
The female energy with Liam’s vibration express to accept how reality is because you know the reality is your creation. You feel compassion and love for everything in reality because you know everything is the part of your creation.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the male energy?
The state of influencing the reality is the expression of the male energy with Liam’s vibration. Consciously or subconsciously, you are giving influence to the reality for the creation of reality. You are the beginning of the creation.
What is the meaning of the name Liam for Ying Yang energies?
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the Ying energy?
The ying energy with Liam’s vibration shows the process to come back to empty from the state of creation. The state of empty is the state to be ready for the new creation.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the Yang energy?
The yang energy with Liam’s vibration shows the process of creating from the emptiness. When the creation is materialized, it begins to turn around into a state of emptiness.
What is the meaning of the name Liam for 7 chakras?
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 1st chakra?
The 1st chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “existence’. Because you exist, all creation happens. Without your existence, no creation happens.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 2nd chakra?
The 2nd chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “decision”. Your decision decides what creation occurs in reality. The decision means what state of being you choose.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 3rd chakra?
The 3rd chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “action”. You take action based on your state of being which you choose.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 4th chakra?
The 4th chakra with Liam’s vibration represents emotion and feeling to the action you take. The action with the feeling that you choose materializes the reality from the universal energy of the emptiness.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 5th chakra?
5th chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “understanding”. You understand who you are. You understand what is creation and reality. You understand what is the state of emptiness.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 6th chakra?
The 6th chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “seeing the whole”. The whole means include every part of reality. You see every part of reality as the reflection of your creation.
What is the meaning of the name Liam to the 7th chakra?
The 7th chakra with Liam’s vibration represents “being the whole”. As you understand that every part of reality is the creation as the reflection of your state of being, you know the entire universe is yourself. The entire universe is your reflection. You feel so.
What do other online sources say about the name Liam?
Let’s find out what Liam means historically in other sources.
- Liam on Wikipedia
- Liam on Wiktionary
What is Name Vibration Reading?
Please check the page below about Name Vibration Reading. I provide the online session of Name Vibration Reading for your full name. Your full name has a different vibration from your first name.
Other sessions by Koichi
Apart from the Name Vibration reading session, I provide the following sessions online.
- Unlocking mind limitation
- Core Vibration Reading
Check the following link for the details.

My name is Liam and this vision really resonated with me. I’m going to try to get in contact with you so you can do a reading of my full name
Hi, Liam. Thank you for reading the page. Yes, contact me any time! Have a beautiful day! Koichi